
Derin Falana and his crew never left Canada until they all took flight together to Miami for his latest video ‘Vacation’, a testament to what hard work and dedication can do, making dreams become reality as they reap the fruits of their labor in Miami having a good time while shooting this video. The energy is contagious as Derin exudes positive vibes through the screen with scenes of happiness, sunshine, beaches and friends. Creating the perfect anthem for any vacation trip or get away, capturing the emotion of leaving home and being free. Promoting putting in hard work at the beginning in ordder to enjoy relaxation at the end, encouraging listeners to have fun during their journey and to take responsibility of their life and once you do the door will begin to open and opportunities for Vacations or whatever you desire will manifest. Make sure you check out this feel good track below and as always…

Appreciate The Art | Admire The Craft


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